The Curation

Your Home Should Make You Happy with Designer & Creative Director Brady Tolbert
You could say that Brady Tolbert does it all–designer, prop stylist, creative director at Bobby Berk, master of Insta interior inspo. So we naturally couldn’t contain ourselves when he invited us over to his beautiful sun-splashed Los Angeles home that is, quite frankly, goals. There was lots to chat about, from pro décor tips and best housewarming gifts to what makes Brady giddy and how Courant fits into his life.
Our team at Courant is obsessed with your design style. What got you into interior design?
Growing up I was always immersed in the design world. I vividly remember watching my dad build and construct things (including the home I grew up in) which I think had a huge impact on my love for design.
Originally hailing from Utah, I started school as an Architect Major but after an internship in Washington, DC working on the team building a memorial designed by Frank Gehry I got a job offer in LA which brought me out to the west coast. 10 years later, a lot of hustling and working under some incredible designers and prop stylists I now work as the Creative Director for Bobby Berk while taking on my own projects as well.
What are your top tips for styling a beautiful, yet comfortable, home space? Any pointers on your approach that you consider musts?
Find objects that resonate with you and feel personal to you and your home. I ALWAYS mix new and old - it’s something needed in every space. No matter what.
Do you have any formal design rules that you always follow? How about design rules that you love to break?
I am a very firm believer that your home should truly make you happy. With that also believe that you should surround yourself with those things in your home that make you happy. So my first rule with design is to ALWAYS include pieces that you love. There is nothing more boring than a home that has zero personality and looks like it was ripped from a catalog. I love to layer in different eras, styles and pieces to create something that truly feels unique to you. Another rule I always abide by is sticking to a cohesive color palette. It makes decorating and bringing new pieces into your home so much easier and will always result in a sense of harmony within your space vs visual chaos. Following that rule also break other formal design rules.
What's the most exciting part of being a part of an interiors project?
This goes hand in hand with my previous answer but I get giddy with the opportunity to truly make someone feel better in their space. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you’ve been able to create a space that is not only unique and beautiful but one that truly makes the person that lives there happy and wants to spend time in it.
At Courant, we talk a lot about how most tech isn't designed with home interiors and spatial flow in mind. Do you have any advice for how people can ensure their home technology can feel sleek and seamless in their spaces?
For so long having tech in your home meant having piles of unorganized cords in every room of your home but Courant has changed that as they not only think about function but they think about form with each product that they introduce. Their materials, styling and composition are all aesthetically considered so they make bringing tech into your home an easy yes.
I’ve got them scattered all over my place but my goto is the charging tray. I always have one of those on my nightstand as well as one of those on my desk. It works as a catchall as well as a place to charge all my devices.
Now, Rapid Fire! Favorite interiors design trend?
Neutral always - I will always be partial to a neutral interior filled with texture vs lots of colors. As far as designers I've been crushing on anything coming out of Australia recently and will always be drawn to Mid Century Architects and the spaces that they designed.
Least favorite?
Anything that tries to copy or redesign a vintage piece. There are SO many amazing vintage finds out there (no matter your budget) so I always opt for trying to find the real thing vs a knock off.
Go to-design tool?
Two things. Pinterest — I use it to collate all my thoughts and inspo. iPhone – I literally use it for everything. Drafting floor plans on the go, capturing content, measuring spaces, taking photos of furniture while shopping.
Favorite color?
Anything neutral.
Favorite fabric?
Party trick?
Falling asleep anywhere. I've been known to fall asleep on the couch at even the most lively of parties!
Go-to gift for the host?
Scented candle – Anything from Le Labo makes for the perfect host or housewarming gift.

Thank you, Brady! It was such a pleasure to catch up with one of our favorite follows. For more design inspiration check out Brady Tolbert on Instagram.